Company Law Cases Yearbook 2022 with Comments by S Balasubramanian (Former Chairman Company Law Board)

Author: S Balasubramanian (Former Chairman Company Law Board)

Edition: 2022

Price: Rs 1999 (Hard Bound)

Special offer Price: Rs 1695 (With free delivery)

ISBN: 978-93-54353-58-1

About the Book

Yearbook of Company Law Cases 2022 is a Compendium of Cases reported in full in Corporate Law Adviser (CLA) during the year 2021. The Compendium is unique in its format and presentation.

Reported cases have been grouped together under the distinct Chapter Heads closely following “Arrangement of Sections” as set out in the Companies Act, 2013.

In order to enhance utility of compilation, cases have been reproduced in full with crisp Head Notes summarising the ratio of the concerned judgment succinctly. In addition, all the judgments have been reviewed and where found appropriate, have also been commented upon judiciously by Shri S Balasubramanian, Former Chairman Company Law Board, giving food for thought to the reader.

The Compendium is user-friendly as it provides a quick and easy reference to reported cases dispensing the need to refer various sources, saving valuable time and effort as they have been compressed into a handy single volume.

About the Reviewer

S. Balasubramanian is a former Chairman, Company Law Board. He is a Commerce and law graduate and a member of the three professional institutes, namely, the Institute of Chartered Accountants, the Institute of Company Secretaries and the Institute of Management Accountants of India. In his 19 years long tenure in Company Law Board, he dealt with over 3000 adversarial cases and has over 700 reported judgements to his credit. He was instrumental in the revival of fraud hit Satyam Computers Limited by his proactive orders of suspension of the existing Board of Directors, Constitution of new Board with eminent persons and handing over the company to a strategic investor. He is widely recognised and respected as an expert in Corporate Laws. Presently he is engaged in corporate consultancy and functions as an independent director in many listed companies, besides being engaged as an Arbitrator in many cases.

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The book is being offered at a special price of Rs 1695/- with Free delivery.

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