Secretarial Audit and Compliance Manual – Under Companies Act, 2013 – by Dr KR Chandratre, Updated by CS Makarand Joshi (Fourth Edition)

Author: Dr KR Chandratre, Updated by CS Makarand Joshi

Edition: 4th Edition, 2022 (October)

Price: Rs 2295

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Highlights of the Book

Since April 2014, Secretarial Audit has become mandatory under the Companies Act, 2013.Subsequently, SEBI has also mandated Secretarial Audit for material subsidiaries of a listed Company and obtaining a Compliance Certificate for submission to Stock Exchange. Alongwith this, MGT 7 is also required to be certified by a Practising Company Secretary whereby he/she has to confirm comprehensive compliance of the concerned company. Therefore, there are hundreds of compliances which companies have to do in a financial year and giving such a comprehensive Compliance Certificate requires thorough knowledge, different perspective and techniques.

This book covers the meaning, benefits, process, approach and entire scope of Secretarial Audit providing detailed checklists with respect to Companies Act, 2013, SEBI Regulations and FEMA Regulations which will be very useful for professionals not only while doing Secretarial Audit but also for routine certifications like MGT-7, MGT-8 or Compliance Certifications mandated under various laws. Following are the highlights of the book

  • Detailed Checklists for Audit on Companies Act, 2013, SEBI (LODR) Reg., 2015, SEBI (PIT) Reg. 2015 and FEMA, 1999
  • Includes insights on ICSI Auditing Standards
  • Elaborates newly introduced key concepts under Companies Act, 2013 by way of Annexures like SB0, etc.
  • Contains a chapter elaborating key concepts under Companies Act, 2013 which will help professionals to understand and comply with law in letter and spirit.
  • Contains a compilation of useful charts as well as specimen Management Representation Letter and various Declarations required to be obtained from the Accounts and Finance Department
  • Brings greater clarity w.r.t. Role of Auditor, Process of Audit and duty as well as liability of auditor

About the Author/s


  • Dr Chandratre is Practising Company Secretary.
  • He has been in the profession of Company Secretary for over 40 years, before which he worked as a Lecturer in Commerce & Accountancy at R A Podar College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai for three years. After serving Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. for 15 years, his last position being Director (Legal, Secretarial & HR) & Company Secretary, Dr Chandratre entered the practice as Company Secretary in 2003.
  • He has an impressive academic background. He holds Master’s degree in Commerce, Law degree and Doctorate degree from the University of Pune. He is a fellow member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
  • He has secured several academic and professional distinctions and honours. He was the President of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India during 1996 and the Vice-President two years, 1994 and 1995.
  • He has copious published writings to his credit. He has so far authored over 1000 articles and 26 books on various subjects in the areas of Corporate Laws and Corporate Secretarial Practice. Many of his articles have bagged awards as best articles. Some of his current prominent book are:
    1. Commentary on the Companies Act
    2. The Company Secretarial Practice Manual
    3. Company Meetings: Law, Practice & Procedure
    4. Law relating to Insider Trading
    5. Secretarial Audit & Compliance Manual
    6. Law relating to Oppression & Mismanagement
    7. Compendium of Key Issues under Corporate Laws
    8. Law & Practice of Formation, Incorporation and Conversion of Companies
    9. SEBI LODR Regulations- A Handbook
  • He is an active participant in seminars, workshops, conferences and conventions, Dr Chandratre so far addressed more than 500 such programmes, besides contributing papers at the National & International levels.
  • He was a member of the Working Group on Redrafting of the Companies Act, 1956 constituted by the Government of India in August 1996, to draft a new Companies Act to be substituted for the Companies Act 1956.
  • He was the Chairman of the Committee on ‘Delisting of Securities’ constituted by SEBI in March 1997. He was also a member of Advisory Committee on Primary Markets of SEBI during 1996.
  • He was a SEBI-nominated Public Representative Director and Chairman of the Board and the President of the Pune Stock Exchange, during April 2004 to April 2005.
  • He was a Member of the Expert Group constituted by SEBI in October 2004 under the Chairmanship of Justice Kania to suggest further amendments to the SEBI Act 1992.
  • He was the Chairman, Corporate Legislation Sub-committee of Mahratta Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Pune during 1997-98 and 1998-1999 and a member, Legal Affairs Committee of Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Bombay and a member.
  • He was a member Secretarial Standards Board and Chairman of the Core Group on Secretarial Audit of the ICSI. He was also the Chairman of the Expert Advisory Group of the ICSI for the past four years.
  • He is a plain English activist and has been contributing to promote plain English in legal and business writing. He has written many articles and a book entitled Legal and Business Writing in Plain English.

CS Makarand Joshi

CS Makarand Joshi is a Practising Company Secretary having experience of more than 22 years. He is the founder PARTNER OF MMJC.

He is winner of Best Secretarial Audit Report by ICSI for the year 2019-20.

He has been instrumental in Creating MMJC Mobile APP on the bare Act of the Companies Act, 2013

He is member of Expert Group on Secretarial Standards Board [SSB] of ICSI and he had been Convener to ICSI - SSB publications – Guidance Note on PIT and Guidance Note on CSR. He has played instrumental role in the Revision of Fifth Edition of ‘Law Relating to Insider Trading’ by Dr. K R Chandratre.

Some of the key highlights of this book:

  • Lots of QAs are captured on various topics in an elaborative manner
  • Journey of each topic beginning from 1992 encompassing changes, comparison, and rationale for those changes
  • Handy Checklist
  • Selected pronouncements of SAT and Supreme Court

He is also Managing Committee Member of CCGRT

He was member of Research Committee of WIRC of ICSI.

He is also a member of magazine committee and Legal Representation Committee of Chamber of Tax Consultant (Mumbai).

He has actively contributed to the Research Committee of ICSI for research about Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs).

He has written articles which have been published in magazines of the ICSI and ICAI.

He has delivered lectures at Study Circles / Seminars organized by ICSI, ICAI and Industry Associations.

He has delivered more than 500 lectures at various forums in the Companies Act 2013 and SEBI Regulations.

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